Addressing the Mental Health Crisis on College Campuses: Practical Strategies for Higher Education Leaders

You are invited to a webinar and discussion on January 18, 2023 – 12-1 p.m. webinar, 1-1:30 p.m. discussion, “Addressing the Mental Health Crisis on College Campuses: Practical Strategies for Higher Education Leaders.” Bring your lunch and connect with colleagues in CMU 105 or via Zoom.

Many college campuses are experiencing a mental health crisis. Mental health issues have a significant impact, regardless of size, location, or academic focus, and are only worsening. Across the country, 73% of university presidents say mental health is their most pressing issue because of its widespread and devastating effects (Deloitte).

Join speakers Dr. Ryan Patel, D.O, FAPA, Senior Staff Psychiatrist and Adjunct Clinical Professor, The Ohio State University and Joshua Covey, VP of Higher Education at FranklinCovey for a presentation discussing a wide range of strategies deployed from multiple levels to address this crisis. Examples include strategies that can be applied by university leadership, administration, faculty, staff, frontline college health professionals, department level, campus level, student body, campus community, parents, etc.

Wednesday, January 18, 12-1 p.m. CST – Webinar

Location:  CMU 105 and Zoom –

Discussion Zoom – 1-1:30 p.m. –  Facilitated by Director of Counseling at MSUM, Angie Bellanger

**Note that the Zoom for the presentation and the one for the post-discussion are different.

More information:

This program is being co-sponsored by MSUM Counseling Services, VP Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Dean of Students and the Faculty & Professional Learning Center.

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