Dragon Frost Snow Court Royalty Nominations are Open!

As part of Dragon Frost 2022, we will be crowning Royalty. Anyone is eligible to nominate candidates for Dragon Frost Court. All applicants and nominees must be MSUM students, have Freshman or Sophomore status as determined by credits and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater. They should be actively involved in on campus, be a great example of Dragon Pride and dedicated to MSUM.

Nominations for Dragon Frost Royalty close on Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022.

Nominate here: https://www.mnstate.edu/student-life/student-activities/dragonfrost/royalty/ or on Dragon Central!

Interviews will begin January 31st and go until February 4th.The campus population can vote online Monday, February 7th -Saturday, February 12th, 2022 for Dragon Frost Snow Court Royalty.