“The Introverted Leader” Webinar

Introverts ARE leaders. Log on for an inspirational and practical webinar this Thursday, February 11th at 11:00am and learn how introverts can use their quiet strengths to conquer leadership challenges. Team members and leaders will also see how to get the best out of introverts. This webinar will include a fireside chat with College President Michael Berndt exploring his leadership journey as an introvert.

In this webinar participants will learn:
• A better understanding of the differences between introverts and extroverts
• Challenges for introverts in a Type A workplace and practical tips for how to overcome them
• The 4 P’s Process of leadership success
• Suggestions to help your organization become more introvert-friendly
• Action steps that can immediately be applied

Register for free here: https://minnstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZvJxpbY0SUmJr3JMBLw80w

This event is sponsored by several area colleges, including Minnesota State Community and Technical College.

For students, this event counts toward “Healthy Workplace Relationships” on Pathways – to get credit, email osa@mnstate.edu after attending.