Online Course Design Essentials: A support resource

A basic checklist  

Please find linked a document titled, Online Course Design Essentials. The Office of Online Learning synthesized practices from the instructional design community to create a quick, one-page reference guide for faculty as they begin to consider teaching summer and, potentially, fall courses online.  

This checklist contains basic building blocks and does not serve as a comprehensive approach to successful online course design and facilitation. Suggested techniques for foundational course design address the following topics:  

  • Course navigation  
  • D2L Brightspace utilization  
  • Emerging elements of Universal Design  
  • Course facilitation  

Online Essentials D2L Brightspace Course: Learn the essentials at your own pace  

The Office of Online Learning developed a short, asynchronous course for faculty as a support for learning how to implement any of the suggested checklist items. Please email to gain access to this D2L Brightspace course.