Add a virtual location to your DragonCentral event

Virtual Location is now an option in DragonCentral. Make sure to continue posting your events and meetings on DragonCentral so fellow Dragons can participate. When you get to the location section, you can now add a link with your online information (zoom, hangout, teams, etc). If you need assistance in adding an event/meeting, reach out to for guidance.

Take 15 to Finish

There are many benefits for taking at least 15 credits per semester: Reduces student loan debt + savings on tuition, housing and fees Promotes lower dropout rates and higher GPAs Allows earlier entry into your career Graduate on time by taking at least 15 credits a semester or 30 credits a year.

Do you feel safe at home?

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse, Rape and Abuse Crisis Center (RACC) is open and provides FREE confidential services including advocacy, crisis intervention, counseling and education for individuals and families in the FM area, including students. 24hr crisis hotline: 800-344-7273More information: