Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Melissa Sire

Meet MSUM’s Office and Administration Specialist for First Year Programs, Learning Communities and the Office of Student Activities, Melissa Sire. She is excited to work with the staff and students at MSUM!
Start date: August 26, 2019
Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: Students. I was a student here myself, so I have a soft spot in my heart for MSUM to begin with. But just higher education in general, I just love seeing students now and the change in them afterwards while inspiring them, motivating them and giving them tools they need to succeed.
Q: What is one thing that surprises you about MSUM?
A: Everyone is so welcoming. I know this should not be surprising, but whenever I meet someone once they always remember my name. I love the whole atmosphere.
Q: If you could choose any superpower what would it be?
A: I would love to be invisible. I have two teenage boys and I would love to follow them around for a day and see what their life is like and what they do when I’m not around.
Q: How do you prefer to start your workday?
A: With a cup of coffee. I like anybody that comes in with a smile and spreads positivity. I’ve had all great mornings here.
Q: If you could trade places with someone for a day who would it be?
A: Probably Annie Wood at MSUM. She has all this knowledge and is very inspiring and I really want to get into her head and see. Outside of MSUM, I would choose Oprah. I just want to say to everyone, “You get a car, you get a car.” But in all honesty, Oprah is so inspiring and I admire everything about her.
We are happy you are a part of the #DragonFamily, Melissa!