Student Leadership Award Winners
The Student Leadership Awards Ceremony was held to celebrate and recognize student involvement at MSUM. The ceremony was held this past Tuesday, April 30, where we recognized these individuals and student organizations for their inner passion to get active, connected, and involved.
The Student Leadership Award winners were:
- Student Organization Advisor of the Year: Wooyang Kim
- Student Organization Officer of the Year: Leslie Miller
- Student Organization Member of the Year: Gage Donovan
- Up-and-Coming Student Organization of the Year: Marine Ecology Club
- Club Sport of the Year: Volleyball Club
- Student Organization of the Year: Society of Physics Students
- Community Engagement Student Organization Award: NSSLHA / Collegiate SERTOMA
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Student Organization Award: Asian Multicultural Organization
- Outstanding New Leader Award: Courtney Gerads
- Leadership Legacy Award: Rebecca Benjamin
- Community Engagement Award: Julia Stenberg
- Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Award: Talyne Nganansou Gnangassa
- Grit Award: Leticia Esteves Rodovalho and Ponny White
- Humility Award: Teppei Yoshino
- Heart Award: David Hoeschen, Maren Hamann, Peter Nelson, and Tatiana Eggum
- Outstanding Campus Program/Event Award: International Grocery Bag Bingo
We would also like to recognize the students that participated in the Emerging Leaders program this year:
- Aleah Guggisberg
- Alexander Kelso
- Anna Joyce
- Anna Madsen
- Aridasee Tisland
- Carleen Wait
- Courtney Gerads
- Emma Dahl
- Emma Ferrie
- Grace Tangen
- Hannah Roesler
- Hayley Zacha
- Julia Riegert
- Katie Larson
- Kelsey Leach
- Kayla Mehrer
- Kylie Meyer
- Mariyah Lensing
- Mary Neve
- Morgan Bruers
- Natalie Mutschelknaus
- Precious Umunna
- Rose Lakeman
- Sadie Carlson
- Samantha Schlomka
- Samie Akhidenor
- Sara Thein
- Sierra Vilmo
- Tya Schiele
- Van Fritch-Gallatin
- Zachary Drown
We would additionally like to recognize the students involved with Dragon Leadership Program.
Spark Student Completers:
- Aaron Zeller
- Andrew Baldwin
- Autumn Schaeffer
- Baylee Hansen
- Brittany Brinkman
- Chipochashe Mukori
- Jill Maahs
- Laura Squires
- Maryam Adepitan
- Presley Gonnerman
- Sidney Thompson
Illuminate/Old Program Completers:
- Arsema Mekonnen
- Leslie Miller
- Prakriti Shrestha
- Rahil Pereira
- Sami Bitz
- Shantel Jagol
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