Provide input on 12th Avenue South

Is 12th Avenue South in Moorhead part of your route? Help shape its future.

The City of Moorhead and Metro COG are studying how this vital east to west corridor is used today — and what ideas, needs and improvements could happen in the future.

Share your reaction to possible improvements at a public meeting on Tuesday, March 19, from 5 – 6:30 p.m. There will be an open house format to allow you to freely share your comments, with a formal presentation at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be on the Concordia campus right off 12th Avenue South, in the Birkeland Lounge, Offutt Concourse. 
(Between Memorial Auditorium and Olson Forum, with free event parking south of 12th Ave off 7th Street)

Share your comments through an online survey after the public meeting. 

Information about the study and a link to the online survey are available on the City of Moorhead website, on the current projects tab.

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