Hendrix contacts individuals possibly exposed to hepatitis A

Healthcare professionals from the Hendrix Clinic and Counseling Center are contacting a group of 19 students and at least three staff members who may have been exposed to hepatitis A following a diagnosis of hepatitis A from one member of the university community. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, hepatitis A does not become a chronic (long-term) infection.

The period of possible exposure was from the beginning of January until the end of January, 2018.  There is no need for medical action if people possibly exposed have already received at least one dose of hepatitis A vaccine.  Those individuals in the group being contacted by Hendrix who have not received the vaccine are being advised to receive the vaccine.

Campus members who have not been contacted by Hendrix are not considered to be at risk.  Information on hepatitis A from the Minnesota Department of Health can be found by clicking this link.