DragonCentral software update July 5

DragonCentral will be unavailable on the morning of Wednesday, July 5, 2017 due to a software update. This update includes a new design, making the website responsive when used on a mobile device and the creation of an action center, where those users that manage an organization’s page will now make updates. The same information and features will continue to exist on the site, but may be located or accessed in a different way. After the update, more information will be sent out and users will see a brief tutorial when they first log-in. Please contact Steve Fox, fox@mnstate.edu, in the Office of Student Activities, CMU 113, with any questions or concerns.

Did you know? You can also download Corq, DragonCentral’s event app, on your mobile device to see upcoming events listed in DragonCentral and the ability to add events to your calendar.

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