Red Weather literary journal seeking submissions

Red Weather, the biannual literary journal edited and designed by MSUM students, wants your most polished poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, one-act plays, graphic narrative, and visual art (photographs, illustrations, graphics, drawings, paintings, or other media) for inclusion in our 2016 issue.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your work:

* Red Weather only accepts submissions from current or former MSUM Dragons (students, alumni, faculty, and staff), authors within 10 miles of the MSUM campus, and authors participating in the McGrath Visiting Writers Series and the Glasrud Lecture Series.

* Please submit up to 5 poems, 3 prose pieces, or 3 visuals. Poems and prose must be submitted in the .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF file formats. Visuals must be submitted in the .JPG or .TIFF file formats (minimum 300 dpi, 20 MB maximum). Your name should not appear anywhere inside the submitted file, including in the file name. Provide your name, contact information, title of work(s) submitted, and your association with MSUM (e.g. sophomore, class of ’82, faculty member; if applicable) in the Cover Letter field of the submissions page.

* Each individual submission must be in its own document with its own submission form. For example, if you are submitting 3 poems, you should submit 3 separate times. Submissions with multiple pieces will be rejected without being read.

* There are no word limits for poetry or prose, but space is at a premium. Works shorter than 3,000 words are more likely to be accepted.

* Our reading period for the 2016 edition of Red Weather will open on November 15, 2015. It will close at midnight on February 15, 2016.

* All submissions will be considered for publication in the next print and e-book editions of Red Weather and for possible inclusion on the Red Weather website.

* Submissions will be screened and selected blindly by students at Minnesota State University Moorhead.

* No previously published work will be considered.

* If your work is accepted for publication, you grant Red Weather as publisher first worldwide print and electronic rights, after which all rights revert to the author.

Submission link for Red Weather.