Wait to upgrade to new operating system 10.11 “El Capitan”

Faculty/Staff –

Apple has released a new operating system 10.11 “El Capitan” and the MSUM IT department is recommending that you hold off on that upgrade. The MSUM IT staff will test the upgrade to verify that the supported services, like email and Brightspace, work as designed. The testing timeline will finish closer to the end of the fall semester at which we will communicate those test results. Those test results will identify if the upgrade will be recommended at that time.

What changes are in the new operating system? This link has the details to the changes within the operating system. http://www.apple.com/osx/

Do I have to upgrade? No, the MSUM Mac laptops and desktops range in various operating systems mostly depending on software requirements to which operating system they need.

What if I have questions? Please contact the MSUM IT Helpdesk by any of the following means.
Livingston Lord Library Room 114