MPIRG is excited to welcome Representative Erin Murphy

MPIRG is excited to welcome Representative Erin Murphy (64A) to the campuses of Concordia College and Minnesota State University Moorhead to discuss consent culture and ongoing legislative efforts at the capitol.

Last session Rep. Murphy was the Chief Author of HF1689 which would require sexual assault and sexual harassment policies required to contain affirmative consent standard, good-faith reporting of incidents encouraged, sexual harassment and sexual violence outreach and prevention required, grant program to create a consent curriculum established, and money appropriated.

Concordia College- 1:30 KCC Conference Room

MSUM- 3:30 Women’s Center Bridges 145 Major Monday Discussion with Gender and Women Studies Dept.

MSUM- 7:00 Comstock Memorial Union 207 Rep. Murphy will speak about the bill and answer questions from students and the public.

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