AreaVoices blog hacked yesterday

The MSUM blog on the AreaVoices section of was hacked yesterday.  The hackers used a provocative headline to sell academic ghost writing.  The posting was removed and we are attempting to find out how it happened so we can prevent it from happening again. 

President Blackhurst to speak at TEDxFargo tomorrow

TEDxFargo – it’s more than a conference. On top of taking in big ideas worth spreading from our 20+ speakers, your TEDxFargo ticket gets you lots of other perks. We’ll keep your body and mind nourished all day long, providing you endless caffeine and hydration, light breakfast, full lunch, delicious snacks and more. This year’s TEDx theme is WONDER … […]

Admissions seeking new name for Fire Up Fridays

Hello Dragon Family, The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is looking for a new name for Fire Up Fridays. Our goal is to find a name that accurately reflects what perspective students and their guests encounter while visiting MSU-Moorhead on Fridays. For those who don’t know, Friday visits incorporate an Admissions and Financial Aid presentation, walking campus tour, and any academic […]

Free Webinars for instructors new to D2L Brightspace

D2L Brightspace: Getting Started Are you looking for opportunities to learn more about how to effectively set up your courses using D2L Brightspace? The MnSCU Special Interest Group, Learning Spaces & Instructional Technologies, will be holding a series of free 1-hour webinars on getting started with various tools within D2L Brightspace. The series will run from July 27-August 28. Visit […]