Poster projects by students are displayed at the Hjemkomst Center
Poster projects created by students in a History course on American Identities taught by Prof. Paul Harris have been placed on display at the Hjemkomst Center. A major theme of the course looked at how identity is shaped in historical memory, and the class was assigned to create commemorative exhibits of their own to honor the 150th anniversary of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.
The Thirteenth Amendment exhibit was created by Erick Toso, Nicole Teberg, Matthew Condry, Hunter Johnson, and Christine Manikowski.
The Voting Rights Act exhibit was created by Meagan Wenstad, Marissa Johnson, Bethany Lahlum, and Nehemiah Jensen.
The posters are on display on the third floor of the Hjemkomst Center, 202 First Ave. N., and are scheduled to run through August 30.