Please complete this short survey for the Office of Campus Sustainability

The Office of Campus Sustainability is looking for your help in assessing the commuting habits for MSUM students and staff. We have a short survey of 11 questions for you, and we encourage you to give us feedback. It is voluntary and confidential, and it will provide better insight into sustainable transportation options for the future!

You are invited to participate in a study of the commuting habits of the campus as of fall of this year. We hope to develop a clearer understanding of the carbon footprint associated with the travel habits of those who attend our campus. You are being asked to participate because you are part of the MSUM community, and a vital part of sustainable efforts as such. If you decide to participate, please complete the survey associated with the link. Your return of this survey is implied consent. The survey is designed to assimilate as much data as possible about the carbon footprint associated with the travel habits of our entire campus. The survey will take no more than 15 minutes to complete, is 11 questions long, and entirely electronic. No benefits accrue to you for answering the survey, but your response will be used to determine the needs of the campus as far as improving sustainable transportation. Any discomfort or inconvenience to you derives only from the amount of time taken to complete the survey. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will not be disclosed. The survey is anonymous and optional, but we do encourage your participation, as it will help the Office of Campus Sustainability assess the transportation needs of our campus and community.

Your decision whether or not to participate will not prejudice your future relationship with the Office of Campus Sustainability, all other aspects, departments, and entities within MSUM and no grades will be affected by your answers should you decide to participate. If you decide to participate, you are free to discontinue at any time without prejudice. Please feel free to ask questions regarding this study. You may contact us later if you have additional questions by email or, otherwise by cell at (701)3180049.

Any questions about your rights may be direct to Dr. Richard K. Adler, Chair of the MSUM Institutional Review Board at (218)4772474 or by email at This survey is not intended Office of Campus Sustainability looking for your help in assessing commuting habits for minors. If you are a minor and would like to take the survey, please contact Lee Smalt or Joe Herbst in order to obtain a consent form. By taking the survey and you attest that you are 18 years of age or older.

Thank you for your time,

Joe Herbst
Lee Smalt