Avoid the Lines, Get Your Tickets Online

Online tickets are now available for purchase at msumdragons.com/tickets or on the MSUM Dragons mobile app including the upcoming football game versus Minnesota State University Mankato this Saturday the 13th at 1 P.M. Skip the line, get your tickets online and bring your print at home ticket, e-ticket or send them to will call for pick up.

The entire campus of MSUM has initiated a new ticketing system that will make it easier and more convenient for everyone to attend events on campus. Features include online ticket purchasing, e-tickets, print at home tickets, and receive great coupons on your purchases.

Here’s three big things you need to know about the new ticketing system:

1. Do you have a smartphone? Get the MSUM Dragons mobile app and use the tickets button to buy online. Pull up your e-ticket when coming to the game and simply scan on your way in. No more waiting in line!

2. Student accounts are already created. Log in using your mnstate email and password dragons. Then change your password and all the information entry is done for you! Tickets for MSUM students for most ticketed events on campus are FREE! Plus, earn Fire Rewards points for going to ticketed events and earn great prizes. Find more information on Fire Rewards at MSUMDragons.com/FireRewards

3. Support Dragons scholarships by using the Round Up feature. Round your bill up to the nearest $5.00 increment and the extra funds will go directly to supporting MSUM scholarships.