Lonni Schicker and students attended ACHE Congress in Chicago

Excerpt taken from American College of Healthcare Executives newsletter:

In March, the ACHE Congress was held in Chicago. During this year’s Congress, we were able to hear from many great leaders and speakers alike. I was able to talk with several of our members who were present, including Ivan Mitchell, FACHE, Keith Heuser, FACHE, Lonni Schicker, EdD and several of her students from Minnesota State University Moorhead. Hopefully all had a great experience! The students in attendance had great support from MSUM and were also able to offset expenses by serving as Program Assistants. When I met with them, they appeared to be very excited about the connection to the professional and all of the interactions they had. Let’s help all of our students continue that excitement through connections and mentorships!

Newsletter written by Jesse G. Tischer, FACHE
 Regent for North Dakota
Chief Operating Officer 
Sanford Health Network 

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