Psychology Departmental awards given to undergrad students

The Psychology Department gave out four Departmental Awards to undergraduate students at both the junior and senior level to recognize their achievements. This spring, Bria Itzen was given the “Psychology Student Departmental Award” (junior psychology major), while Kelsey Ihringer was given the “Psychology Research Award” (junior psychology major).

River Rats Dueling Pianos this Saturday, last day to register

The River Rats dueling pianos will hold a 21 and older show in the Nemzek Fieldhouse beginning at 7:30 p.m. on April 27. The dueling piano show has two grand pianos and two pianists who illuminate the crowd through well-known songs chosen by the crowd. Jim Steinworth and Cal Spooner make up the group and play anything from rock-and-roll, pop […]

Take the Lead Tuesday: Attending a Professional/Academic Conference: What to expect and how to prepare-a recap

Three student speakers, Andrea Kochensparger (a senior, Anthropology), Shouvik Bhattacharya (a senior, Physics), and Iwnetim Abate (a sophomore, Physics) discussed how students can motivate and prepare for attending an academic or a professional conference. All of them participated at the Student Academic Conference at MSUM this spring, and in addition, attended a professional/academic meeting of their own field in different […]

All Choirs Concert Sunday

MSUM’s three major choral ensembles–the Concert Choir, and Festival Men’s and Women’s Choirs–will present their final concert of the year Sunday, April 28, 7:30 p.m. The concert will include several works by English composer Benjamin Britten, whose centennial is being celebrated this year. The free concert takes place at First Presbyterian Church, 2900 So. 5th Street, Moorhead.