Deadline to withdraw from a spring semester class is today

Attention Students: The deadline to withdraw from a full-term Spring Semester class is Monday, April 22, 2013. You may withdraw from the class through E-Services. Once you login to E-Services, Click on “Courses & Registration”, select “view/modify schedule” where you will be able to click on the class you want to withdraw. Enter your pin number and process. You will […]

Seminar for those within five years of retirement

Tuesday, May 21 from 8:30 a.m. to noon, there will be a free half-day seminar for those within five years of retirement. This seminar will be held in the CMU Ballroom. Note: Employees may bring their spouses, but they will also need to register. To Register: Please call Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS) at 1-800-657-5757 and press 3.

CADT Department hosts senior film screenings

The Cinema Arts & Digital Technologies Department is hosting a special screening of this year’s Senior Seminar final film projects on Thursday, May 2 and Friday, May 3 in the Glasrud Auditorium in Weld, starting at 6:30 p.m. each night. The 10 short films are the capstone projects of this year’s Senior Seminar film class, taught by Professor Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson. […]

Pie Your Professor fundraiser Wednesday

MSUM Math Club is holding the “Pie The Professor” fundraising event Wednesday, April 24 from 12-4 p.m.. It will be on the campus mall on the north side of MacLean Hall. Come throw cream pies at volunteered math professors. Slices of pie will also be for sale.