KISE and Dragon Dollar Plans through Sodexo
CASUAL DINER– 5 meals in Kise for $28.75 (a $46.25 value) Recommended for the commuter or faculty/staff member who can’t eat on campus as often as they’d like.
SOCIAL DINER– 25 meals in Kise for $137.50 (a $231.25 value) Recommended for the commuter and faculty/staff member who seeks to socialize with the residential campus while dining.
FREQUENT DINER– 50 meals in Kise for $262.50 (a $462.50 value!) Recommended for the commuter and faculty/staff member who is here frequently and wishes to be a part of the home away from home environment.
$100 – Receive $100 in Dragon Dollars and 3 free meals in Kise (a $127.75 value)
$150– Receive$150inDragonDollars and 6 free meals in Kise (a $205.50 value)
$200 – Receive $200 in Dragon Dollars and 7 free meals in Kise (a $264.75 value)
$500 – Receive $500 in Dragon Dollars and 17 free meals in Kise (a $657.25 value)
This is a limited time offer!
Stop by the MSUM Dining Services office Jan. 10- Feb. 8 or call 218.477.2836 to purchase one of these meal plans. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. You will need your Student ID number AND the number on the back of your ID card that starts with 627 when placing your order.