Write Site Scheduling System

The Write Site is pleased to announce an online scheduling system. Students may
now visit our website at http://www.mnstate.edu/write to schedule appointments
at the Write Site. Students will be able to choose appointment days and times up
to three weeks in advance. They may also select writing consultants who have
special areas of expertise.

This online scheduling system provides a streamlined and convenient method for
students to make appointments; it also increases efficiency at the Write Site,
freeing writing consultants to spend more time with clients and less time
scheduling appointments on the phone.

The Write Site is located in a brand new office in Lommen 95. Hours are
9:30-4:30, Monday through Thursday, 9:30-12:30 on Friday, and 8:00 P.M. to 10:00
P.M. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

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