“Reclaiming” conference at MSUM Jan. 29

The Women in Action Conference Committee invites everyone to participate in the Women in Action Conference Friday, January 29 from 3 to 8 p.m. in the university’s CMU ballroom. This year’s theme is “Reclaiming” and will include a series of panels on topics that include Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Awareness, Embracing Diversity, GLBT Awareness, and Leading a Stress-Free Lifestyle.

Keynote speaker is Ebony Anderson, who will share a powerful personal journey of reclaiming a plethora of things throughout a lifetime of struggles consistently met with incredible strength. This is an excellent opportunity, and one we hope will generate discussions continuing long after the conference comes to a close.

A free meal is available for all participating undergraduate students. Registration is necessary; if you would like to attend this event, and you can do so at our website: www.womeninaction.weebly.com. We look forward to seeing you on January 29th!

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