Emergency Evacuation Drills on Sept. 1

The MSUM Safety and Security Department will be conducting emergency evacuation drills in all academic buildings on September 1 from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Please take this opportunity to review the posted emergency evacuation plans posted throughout all buildings. If you need assistance in locating evacuation routes please contact Michael Parks at 477-5869.

There are just few things to remember when you hear a “fire alarm”.

1. If practical, take your jacket, purse, and keys with you.

2. Close your doors and windows when you exit.

3. Stop, look, and listen. Fire alarms are used to alert people of all kinds of emergencies.  ake time to observe your surroundings before rushing out the door.

4. Remember to use the closest emergency exit and after exiting the door move away from the exit to allow others to evacuate safely.