Tutoring: accounting & other subjects

Looking for a drop-in tutor for Principles of Accounting I or II (ACCT 230/231)? Stop in the Academic Support Center in Flora Frick 154-R on Tuesdays or Thursdays from Noon-1 p.m. or 4-5 p.m. Interested in meeting with a tutor twice weekly for a scheduled session in accounting or another subject? Request a tutor using our online form here: https://www.mnstate.edu/asc/tutor-request.aspx. […]

Write Site needs tutors

Do you enjoy writing? Do you plan to enter a teaching profession or are you thinking about going to graduate school? If so, please consider tutoring in the Write Site. Prospective tutors normally enroll during the spring semester in ENGL 395, a 3 credit-hour writing intensive course. Write Site tutors are then chosen from those who successfully complete the course. In […]