Dragon Days of Action hunger banquet Nov. 21

Saturday, November 21, 2015 | 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. | Nemzek back gym  “At this interactive event, the place where you sit, and the meal that you eat, are determined by the luck of the draw—just as in real life some of us are born into relative prosperity and others into poverty” (Oxfam, 2015). MSUM will hold this event as […]

Employee Excellence Award Winners

Nine employees were recognized for excellence at the 2014 Retiree Recognition and Employee Excellence Awards Luncheon May 15.. Employees are nominated by their peers for recognition in five categories. This year’s award winners include: Excellence in Service to Students: Hannah Severtson, Director of Learning Communities and Dr. Theresa Hest, Professor of Communication Studies Excellence in Service to the Community: Brittney […]

Dragon Mentor application deadline approaching

Please encourage any students that you may interact with to apply to become a Dragon Mentor! We are looking for students who would be a great role model for freshmen and would be an outstanding representation of your department. Deadline to apply is February 12. We are looking for upper-class students to who are interested in serving as a Dragon […]

Microsoft Site visit scheduled for Feb. 19

Learning Communities and the Career Development Center are working with Microsoft to promote the Microsoft Career Exploration Program. Microsoft has developed this program to provide high school and college students with the opportunity to visit the Fargo Microsoft Campus for a tour and to meet current managers and engineers. MSUM will be providing transportation for students to the Microsoft campus […]