Holley, Fleming awarded $150,000 grant

The Minnesota Historical Society and the Oversight Board of the Statewide Survey of Historical and Archaeological Sites awarded George Holley, Department of Anthropology and Earth Science, and Ed Fleming, Science Museum of Minnesota, this summer a grant of $150,000 to conduct research on creating a Handbook of Minnesota Precontact Ceramics.

Bachmeier facilitates Mandan/Hidatsa/Arikara (MHA, Three Affiliated Tribes Nation) traditional pottery-making revival efforts

The Indigenous Media Freedom Alliance invited Professor Brad Bachmeier to help facilitate a pottery workshop June 17-18 at Twin Buttes, ND, on the Fort Berthold Reservation. The workshop followed archeological research and records of traditional forming and firing techniques. Native ND clay from the reservation was dug and processed. Hand-made vessels were produced, decorated and open-pit fired. Bachmeier joined the Paleo […]

Anthropology and Earth Science students, faculty attend 75th Annual Plains Anthropological Conference

Twelve students and five faculty members from the Department of Anthropology and Earth Science attended the Plains Anthropological Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota from October 4-17, 2017. The following seven co-authored talks and posters were presented, encompassing research across archaeology, cultural anthropology, geoarchaeology, geology, and GIS: 

Faculty Present at International Conference on Archaeological Prospection

Rinita Dalan and George Holley (Anthropology and Earth Science) recently attended the 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection at the University of Bradford, England. Rinita was invited to present a keynote lecture on the development of archaeological geophysics in the U.S. Rinita and George also presented a coauthored paper with colleagues from the University of Arkansas, PaleoCultural Research Group, and […]

George Holley and Rinita Dalan attended archaeological conference

George Holley and Rinita Dalan (Anthropology and Earth Science) attended the 59th annual Midwest Archaeological Conference in Milwaukee, WI, November 5-7. George Holley presented a paper entitled “A New Incised Catlinite Tablet Style from the Red River of the Northeastern Plains”. Rinita Dalan coauthored a paper “Archaeological Prospection at Aztalan: Results of the 2014 National Park Service Geophysics Workshop” with […]