AI is changing the way we work, teach and learn

Monday, April 14 | 8 a.m.-Coffee/Refreshments | 8:30 a.m.- José Bowen | Gaede Stage, Center for the Arts Reserve your free ticket; tickets open to the public March 24. José Bowen, a pioneer in active learning and the use of technology in the classroom, will share his insights from over 40 years of leading innovation and change in his MSUM talk […]

Brandi Sillerud, Jitendra Singh featured in Area Woman magazine

MSUM Researchers Identify Adoption Hurdles, Offer Change-Management Approach Brandi Sillerud, MSUM researcher and coordinator of the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program and Jitendra Singh, co-chair of MSUM’s School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership, are working with 15 healthcare organizations to identify barriers to artificial intelligence (AI) adoption and recommend strategies for expediting it. They also teamed up with Jitendra’s son, Advitya, an […]