Farewell party for Sylvia Barnier
Please stop by the Academic Support Center on Friday, June 28 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. to say goodbye to Sylvia and wish her well as she and Keith start new careers in Abilene, Texas.
Please stop by the Academic Support Center on Friday, June 28 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. to say goodbye to Sylvia and wish her well as she and Keith start new careers in Abilene, Texas.
Attention Students: After May 23- Check your Academic Status! Not sure how? Do one of the following: ✔ Check you Eservices dashboard. ✔ Check your GPA and percent completion.
Amy Sannes, Director, Academic Support Center, Dr. Theresa Hest, Professor of Communication Studies, and Jayne Washburn, Admissions, are participating in the NACADA Academic Advising Conference in Savannah, Ga., Feb. 7 – 9. One goal of this Administrators’ Institute is to interact with advising experts and create an advising action plan for MSUM.
Soon you will see some upgrades coming to your e-Services registration screens. MnSCU has planned for these changes to go live on Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012. Many of the changes are only updates to the visual appearance of course search results and registration confirmation screens. As an example, you will soon see a registration Navigation Bar as you progress from […]
Need a tutor for the spring semester? Stop in at the Academic Support Center located in Flora Frick hall and fill out a tutor request form. Tutors are set up on a first come first serve basis.