Commencement transportation

Transportation to and from the commencement ceremonies at Nemzek will be available on Friday, May 17. Morning commencement ceremony:Pick-up 9:15 at 2 locations:Lot M-3 between Owens Hall and Bridges HallLot R-6 east side of the Center for the Arts building Afternoon commencement ceremony:Pick-up 1:15 at 3 locations:Lot M-3 between Owens Hall and Bridges HallLot R-6 east side of the Center […]

Accessing your degree audit report

As of 4/22/19, a production release to roll back to the previous way of accessing a student degree audit report (DAR) was made because of multiple technical issues that need to be addressed. The Minnesota State System Office is working on fixing the issues. To access your degree audit report:Log in to eServicesChoose Academic Records _ Degree Audit Report This […]

Withdrawal deadline April 23

The deadline to withdraw from a full-term spring 2019 course is Tuesday, April 23 by 4:30 p.m. Students will still receive a ‘W’ on their academic record and will remain financially responsible for tuition and fees. Note: Withdrawal deadlines vary for half term sessions. We advise checking the schedule in eServices for specific withdrawal deadlines for each course. Instructions on […]

Official university transcript fee increase

In order to continue providing the high quality service to both our students and alumni, the fee to request an official university transcript will increase to $10 per transcript effective July 1, 2019. This is a change from the current fee of $7.25 per destination. Transcript requests will remain through our online transcript ordering services, the National Student Clearinghouse. The […]