Magazine sales people in Moorhead

Please be advised that there is a large group of magazine sales people in the Moorhead area. This group has been on campus and near the residential halls over the last few days. If you are approached by people selling magazines on campus property, we ask that you call campus security (2449) and we will take steps to ensure that they are properly registered with the City of Moorhead. To date this group has not registered to sell their products in the city and they are violating city ordinances.

MSUM outdoor warning siren to sound April 22

MSUM will participate in a statewide tornado drill at 1:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2010 as part of Severe Weather Awareness Week. The National Weather Service will issue a simulated tornado warning and outdoor warning sirens will be activated in Clay County and Moorhead, including the siren located on the Livingston Lord Library’s roof. During this drill DO NOT take shelter. Instead we ask that everyone review their building’s posted emergency plans for their Severe Weather Safe Area. Click headline for more information.

Do you want to learn how to fight like a girl?

Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) classes start April 12! They are FREE to students, faculty and staff at MSUM *women only*. These classes teach you simple and useful ways to apply your own body for self-defense. Other topics such as stalking, domestic violence, and how to be safe at home, school and work are also discussed. Click headline for dates and information on how to sign up.

Michael Parks chosen Safety Director of the Year

MSUM security director Michael Parks was named Safety Director of the Year at a ceremony Tuesday evening in Long Beach, Calif. The top educational campus award is presented annually at the Campus Safety Conference for public safety and security administrators in hospitals, K-12 schools and universities. Parks was nominated for his leadership during the Flood of 2009. He served as the incident commander for the campus and he played a key role in the flood fight in the community. Under Parks’ leadership, MSUM was mobilized as a volunteer center and provided emergency call center facilities and staffing during the historic flood.

e2campus Update

If e2campus recently sent a message notifying you to renew your subscription, we have automatically reset your account to reflect the change. Each new account is set up with an expiration date as a way to purge users from the system that may no longer attend MSUM or may want to stop messaging. If you would like to discontinue receiving emergency text alerts please email and we will manually remove you from our system.