“Economics in Action” at the Expanding Your Horizons Conference

MSUM students, Fanuel Asrat, Aba Boadu, Kofi Boadu, Cody Brandt, Jasmin Lam, Julie Maahs, Melhik Negatu, and Mira Nkulukadiele, and Economics faculty members, T. J. Hansen and Gregory Stutes, offered a workshop in conjunction with the Expanding Your Horizons Conference on April 12. The local Expanding Your Horizons Conference invites young women from Minnesota and North Dakota who are in […]

Students present research at Red River Psychology Conference

Psychology students presented research at the 28th Annual Red River Psychology Conference, hosted by Concordia College. The following presentations were made: Madhuri Tiwari and Katie Johnson (with Dr. C. Malone) “Competing Sound and Spelling Information Produce Memory Blocks in Word Fragment Completion” Samantha Kallberg (with Dr. R. Bergstrom)”Appearance-related Social Norms: How the Thin-Ideal Impacts Opposite Sex Perceptions of Attractiveness”

Personality and genetics

Students research the effects of cortisol By Meghan Feir Hermella Alemneh and Mikaela Hanson are using zebra fish in a research project that could have a direct correlation in the way we understand how hormones play a vital role in human personality outcomes. Alemneh and Hanson’s presentation title, “Does A Stressed Mothers’ Hormones Contribute to the Personality of Their Offspring?” […]

MSUM Percussion Ensemble to perform in Duluth

The MSUM Percussion Ensemble, directed by Dr. Kenyon Williams, will travel this weekend to Duluth, Minn., to perform John Luther Adams’ epic outdoor work “Inuksuit” at the Congdon Estate along the shores of Lake Superior on Saturday at noon. There, they will be joined by over 60 percussionists from across greater Minnesota as they present a mass performance of the […]

The medical turning points of the Civil War

Jacob Clauson to present at Student Academic Conference By Meghan Feir The Civil War was a turning point in various ways, and, as senior Jacob Clauson will explain in his presentation for the Student Academic Conference on April 15, it was also a time of greater exploration with medical practices. Before doctors were concerned about bacteria and sterilization, soldiers across […]