Bring your cans to campus this week
Celebrate Earth Week and help raise money for the Student Recycling Service by bringing in your aluminum cans from home. The Student Recycling Service will be collecting cans from April 22-25.
Celebrate Earth Week and help raise money for the Student Recycling Service by bringing in your aluminum cans from home. The Student Recycling Service will be collecting cans from April 22-25.
Math major Josiah Reiswig scored in the top 45 percent of the students in the nation in the Putnam Competition. The Putnam Competition consists of two three-hour blocks. In each block, students are given six extremely difficult problems to solve. The competition is the largest, most competitive mathematics competition in North America and attracts participants from every major undergraduate mathematics […]
Minnesota State University Moorhead proudly graduated the second class of the Dragon Leadership Program on Wednesday, April 16. With over 75 participants, the program is designed to provide Dragon students the opportunity to develop leadership skills. Focused around deliberate and meaningful collaborations among campus departments, the DLP provides a formal structure for students to actively engage and develop as leaders.
This past weekend, 11 percussionists from the MSUM Percussion Studio traveled with Dr. Kenyon Williams to Duluth, Minn., to perform “Inuksuit,” an epic outdoor work composed by Alaskan composer John Luther Adams. While in Duluth, they attended a concert featuring works by Adams as well as a world-premier composition written for the occasion. After the recital, the students received the […]
Students Josiah Reiswig and Samuel Erickson presented their research on Aphid Sequences at the Pi Mu Epsilon Math Honor Society Conference at St. John’s and St. Benedict’s. Erickson’s and Reiswig’s research involves using the somewhat unusual reproduction behavior of aphids to determine Fibonacci like sequences and their growth rates. The conference was also attended by students Katie Byer, Brittney Lind, […]