Biosciences students presented their research at an international conference

Undergraduate students mentored by Brian Wisenden (Biosciences) and Ananda Shastri (Physics) presented their research at the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society meeting in early August. The poster presentations were (* indicates student co-author): 1. Daniel Paulson* & Brian Wisenden. 2021. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos Hatch Early to Avoid Risk of Egg Predation But Have Higher Risk to Predators […]

MSUM Faculty and Students Conduct Research at the Poverty Point World Heritage Site

Last week a group of students and faculty from Minnesota State University Moorhead traveled to the Poverty Point World Heritage Site in northeast Louisiana. The main focus of their efforts was to examine places of interest identified during a 3D Ground Penetrating Radar survey of the site in November 2019. This project, led by Rinita Dalan (Anthropology and Earth Science), […]

SoMAD student work recognized at American Advertising Awards – ND

The American Advertising Awards of North Dakota were held virtually on Friday, February 26. At the event, SoMAD students Nicholas Loock (Graphic Design) and Aaron Godard (Graphic Communications) both received multiple awards for their creative work. Student Kristen Kjellberg’s (Graphic Communications) work for local marketing agency, Abovo, was also recognized. Loock’s awards included: Silver award in Sales & Marketing – […]

Sillerud, Winkler publish paper in The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning

Dr. Brandi Sillerud, Associate Professor/MHA Program Coordinator and Heather Winkler, MHA, Doctoral Educational leadership student recently published a paper in The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning. The title of the paper: Assessing Healthcare Leader Competency Proficiency Levels in Evaluation Graduate Healthcare Leadership Student Competency Proficiency Levels and Curriculum. This exploratory research aims to utilize industry data when evaluating […]