Math students publish paper in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

Adam M. Goyt, Mathematics, Brady Keller (co 2014), and Jon Rue (co 2011) had their paper “Statistical Distributions and q-Analogues of k-Fibonacci Numbers” published in the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. In their paper they study the distribution of permutation and set partition statistics over sets counted by the k-Fibonacci numbers. These sets arise naturally out of the notion of pattern […]

University Physics Competition was top performing team from the U.S.

MSUM’s University Physics Competition team earned MSUM a bronze medal, and was the top preforming team from the U.S. for the problem they selected, notably defeating NDSU, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Upperclassmen Meredith McLinn, Pragalav Karki and Shouvik Bhattacharya modeled the effect an Earth-like planet’s mass has on its volcanic activity. To learn […]

Physics major attended the 221st Meeting of American Astronomical Society

Physics major, Shouvik Bhattacharya attended the 221st Meeting of American Astronomical Society in Long Beach, Calif., Jan. 6-10. American Astronomical Society is the major organization for professional astronomers in North America. Although the meeting’s target audience are PhD’s, postdocs and scientists, a large number of undergraduates participated in this meeting. Bhattacharya attended a reception for undergraduates physics and astronomy majors […]

Students attended the 2012 Quadrennial Physics Congress

Physics majors Pragalv Karki and Andrew Larson attended the 2012 Quadrennial Physics Congress in Orlando, Fla. during the week of Nov. 8-10. The Physics Congress (PhysCon) was hosted by Sigma Pi Sigma, the Physics Honor Society. The meeting brought together nation’s 800 physics undergraduate students at the same place for the very first time, which made it the largest gathering […]