Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honors Society inducts three MSUM students

On the evening of April 6, the Sigma Pi Sigma Honors Society of MSUM held its annual induction ceremony for new members. To quote from the induction ceremony, “Sigma Pi Sigma exists to honor outstanding scholarship in physics, to encourage interest in physics among students at all levels; to promote an attitude of service within its members towards their fellow […]

Broadcast Journalism Student Awarded NATAS Scholarship

MSUM student Macy Egeland has been awarded the Don Shelby Journalism Scholarship from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Upper Midwest Chapter/Foundation. Each year, the NATAS-UMW Chapter/Foundation awards $2,500 scholarships to high school and college students within its chapter region who want to study media or journalism in college. The Upper Midwest region includes Minnesota, North Dakota, South […]

CADT student premieres grant winning film

Cinema Arts & Digital Technologies student, Conor Holt, premiered his latest film, “A Better Life” at the 2013 Fargo Film Festival. The project, which was produced through a Filmmaker’s Grant from the Minnesota Film & Television Board, concerns a woman’s efforts to deal with her comatose husband by means of a new, radical treatment. A number of CADT students and […]