McKenna Togstad’s interest in Broadway inspires undergraduate research publication in Issues in Political Economy

As an Economics major at MSUM, McKenna Togstad expressed interest in the National Student Exchange (NSE) program because she wanted to spend one semester of her undergraduate educational journey learning and enjoying Broadway at the same time.  McKenna participated in NSE to New Jersey City University in spring 2019 and returned to MSUM to focus her undergraduate economics research on […]

Economics major, Precious Umunna, serves as Congressional Intern for Senator Amy Klobuchar

Precious Umunna was selected to serve as a Congressional Intern for Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar in Washington, D.C. in summer 2021.  In this role, Precious attended hearings and drafted memoranda related to legislation, worked closely with legislative staff on appropriation requests, and drafted letters to constituents.  Precious also conducted research on policies to be used for floor speeches, committee hearings, […]

Dragons in the News

The MSUM Marketing team is intentional about how we share our story with the media. We send news releases and media advisories weekly and respond to media inquiries. If you have a story to share, please submit the story submission form on the Marketing & Communications website. Below is a small selection of Dragons in the News for the month of August. Some news […]

Biosciences students presented their research at an international conference

Undergraduate students mentored by Brian Wisenden (Biosciences) and Ananda Shastri (Physics) presented their research at the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society meeting in early August. The poster presentations were (* indicates student co-author): 1. Daniel Paulson* & Brian Wisenden. 2021. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos Hatch Early to Avoid Risk of Egg Predation But Have Higher Risk to Predators […]

MSUM Faculty and Students Conduct Research at the Poverty Point World Heritage Site

Last week a group of students and faculty from Minnesota State University Moorhead traveled to the Poverty Point World Heritage Site in northeast Louisiana. The main focus of their efforts was to examine places of interest identified during a 3D Ground Penetrating Radar survey of the site in November 2019. This project, led by Rinita Dalan (Anthropology and Earth Science), […]