MSUM hosted a Transition Conference for area high school students

MSUM, in collaboration with Clay County Community Transition Interagency Committee and North Dakota Region V Transition Community of Practice, held a two-day conference in the Comstock Memorial Union. The conference involved high school youth with disabilities, their educators, and parents and sought to educate participants about transitioning to life after high school. High school students participated in breakout sessions focused […]

MSUM students help two local organizations

Eighteen people die each day waiting for an organ, but just one organ and tissue donor can save up to 60 lives.  MSUM’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is working with two local organizations, Alexa’s Hope and LifeSource, to generate more awareness about organ and tissue donation and to in turn, hopefully get more registered donors. There will be […]

Women of Influence: MSUM President Edna Szymanski gets results with unconventional leadership style

By: Meredith Holt, INFORUM “Women of influence” is an ongoing series exploring the women in our community who have the most impact and influence. Each profile will explore a different element of influence and redefine what it means. MOORHEAD – Minnesota State University Moorhead’s president has been dubbed “Hurricane Edna” by her peers. Colleague Anne Blackhurst says the nickname is […]