MSUM Choir and Percussion Ensemble Invited to Perform at prestigious music festival

The MSUM Concert Choir, directed by Dr. Dan Mahraun, and the MSUM Percussion Ensemble, directed by Dr. Kenyon Williams, have recently been invited to present a joint concert performance of works for choir and percussion at the North Dakota Music Educator’s Association (NDMEA) Winter Conference in Bismarck, N.D. in March as a featured evening performance concert event. Each year, a […]

Art student Catie Miller featured in national publication

Also chosen for prestigious art internship at Red Door MSUM Art & Design graduate Catie Miller was one of five students chosen for an undergraduate showcase in Ceramic Monthly Magazine. The showcase is a yearly competition open to all ceramic undergraduate students in universities and colleges in the United States, and features photos of winning students’ work, along with a […]

MSUM student awarded scholarship through Sanford Health

Taylor Oberlander, an MSUM medical laboratory science major was recently awarded a $1,000 Mary Jo Langenwalter Scholarship. This scholarship is available to medical laboratory science students interning at Sanford Health. The scholarship was established in memory of Mary Jo Langenwalter who was very active in the field of laboratory science and in charitable activities.