Two Physics and Astronomy students presented at AAVSO Annual Meeting

Physics and Astronomy students Brett Schulz and Maxibillion Thompson presented research on variable stars and on observations of planets in other stellar systems at the 113th annual meeting of the American Association of Variable Star Observers in November. Max presented a new observation of the exoplanet KELT-1b and used it to evaluate the accuracy of the measured period for the […]

2021 Goldwater Scholarship Nominees

Congratulations to 2021 Goldwater Scholarship nominees from MSUM: Bridgett Grosz and MaryJo Nelson. The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program is a nationally recognized and prestigious program designed to provide support to highly qualified students who are planning on pursuing careers in science, math and engineering. The student nominees were selected based on strong academic performance, involvement in research, and plans to […]

Professors Wisenden and Shastri co-publish research paper with MSUM students

MSUM Biosciences students Alex Seigel, Izzy DeVriendt and Madi Strand along with faculty mentors Brian Wisenden (Biosciences) and Ananda Shastri (Physics) have published their research in the international peer-reviewed journal Journal of Fish Biology The title of their research is Association of predation risk with a heterospecific vocalization by an anabantoid fish. In this experiment, Alex, Izzy and Madi […]

Two MSUM Physics Students Present Poster at National Meeting

Brett Schulz and Maxibillion Thompson presented a poster at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Variable Star Observers ((AAVSO) in Boston, MA on Nov 6-7. Max reported on the measurement of the time of transit of an exoplanet, which is a planet orbiting around another star. Brett presented a technique for combining his measurements of a variable star […]

Celebrating Dragon Veterans 2021 – Peyton Schwehr

At MSUM, we value the dedication, responsibility and leadership veterans bring to our university, both as students and as employees. We proudly honor all veterans who have served our country and recognize a few of our Dragon veterans for their commitment to serve and protect. Peyton Schwehr, Computer Information Systems Dilworth native Peyton Schwehr is in his first year at […]