Making Strides

Physics student scores prestigious internship in fuel cell lab 2014 Student Academic Conference presenter Half a world away, a young Iwnetim (Tim) Abate dreamed of a world free from global warming. Years later, Abate is taking part in making his dream a reality. The junior physics major at MSUM is making strides in the field of physics and engineering. Abate, […]

Dalan and students present “Darwin’s Cabinet of Curiosities”

Rinita Dalan, Anthropology and Earth Science, and majors Rebecca Wallace, Geoarchaeology, and Chelsey Quiring, Archaeology, presented an exhibit on human evolution at an outreach event at the Fargo Public Library. The event, called “Darwin’s Cabinet of Curiosities,” held in the community room at the main library on February 15, was sponsored by the North Dakota Association of Women Geoscientists.

Upsilon Sigma inducts eight new members

The Upsilon Sigma chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society at MSUM inducted eight new members on February 6, 2014. Those inducted were: Eric Bares, Peggy Morken, Kelly Mulvaney, Jordan Pinneke, Jenna Polley, Shannon Sitz, Katy Tellinghuisen and Cecelia Winter. These students were recognized for their devotion and commitment to Spanish language learning and culture, but […]

School Psychology graduate students and faculty attend and present at state conference

Five School Psychology graduate students: Jesse Hennen, Hannah Korcuska, Tori Cowles, Adam Boles and Maggie McLean, presented posters at this year’s Minnesota Association of School Psychologists (MSPA) MidWinter conference held Jan. 30 and 31 in St. Louis Park. Dr. Lisa Stewart and graduate student Maggie McLean also co-presented a conference session titled “Vocabulary Does Matter and Can Be Taught.” Three […]