School psychology students present, lobby in Washington, D.C.

School psychology faculty members Lisa Stewart and Peg Potter and graduate students David Gano, Hannah Korcuska and Kelli McGovern recently attended the annual conference of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in Washington, D.C. Gano, McGovern, and Stewart were part of a symposium, “Incremental Rehearsal: Effective and Efficient Research-Based Memory Interventions” where Gano and McGovern presented the results of […]

Students present work at poster session in St. Paul

Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars, a consortium of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institutions that supports research, scholarly works and creative activity of undergraduates, is pleased to host the first Posters at St. Paul. The poster session will allow undergraduate students to share the results of their work with leaders in our state government and highlight the exciting work being done on […]

A Stellar Night

Physics and astronomy department captures day-old supernova Jan. 22 was a stellar night for MSUM’s physics and astronomy department. Professor Juan Cabanela, physics and astronomy, and physics majors Nathan Heidt, Laura Herzog, Michael Meraz, and Beau Scheving, made a trek to the Paul P. Feder Observatory in an attempt to capture images of a day-old supernova. The supernova, located in […]