Chemistry & Biochemistry students present at national ACS meeting

Eight student members of the Chemistry & Biochemistry Club presented their research and community involvement work at the 247th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society in Dallas, Texas. In addition to presenting posters, the students participated in a number of career preparation and networking workshops presented by the ACS, and got to meet ACS mascot “Professor Molenium.”

Analyzing risks

Actuarial science program prepares students for global internships Actuary is the number one career in America according to Actuaries analyze financial costs of risk and uncertainty, and use mathematics, statistics and financial theory to assess the risk that an event will occur to help businesses and clients develop policies that minimize the cost of that risk. Students at Minnesota […]

Student accepts summer research position at the University of Wyoming’s Department of Astronomy

Laura Herzog, a sophomore Physics and Mathematics double major, was offered and has accepted a position as a summer researcher at the University of Wyoming’s Department of Astronomy. She will be involved in a research project involving the use of the University’s 2.3 meter and 0.6 meter telescopes in imaging and analysis of the environment around other galaxies.