Art alums contribute talents and training to development of game

Two recent graduates of MSUM’s Art & Design Department are part of a six-member team that created The Abettor’s Letters, a computer game that teaches users how to speak French. Kyle Weik, 2012, is the UI (user interface) graphic designer, and McCal Joy Johnson, 2013, is the scene development artist. The Abettor’s Letters is a point-and-click adventure featuring a complete […]

MSUM Alum Margaret Zimmerman wins American Society of Physiology Predoctoral Research Award

Margaret Zimmerman received the prestigious American Physiology Society: Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis Predoctoral Research Recognition Award at the 2013 Experimental Biology Meeting. Zimmerman’s abstract entitled “Ang (1-7) has a Greater Contribution to the Blood Pressure Lowering Effects of AT1 Receptor Blockade in Female Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) Compared to Males” was one of three finalists chosen to compete for the […]

Music alum chosen as 2013 University of Montevallo Scholar

Lori Neprud-Ardovino, music graduate 1984, was recently chosen to be the 2013 University of Montevallo University Scholar. The University Scholar is a faculty member who has excelled in scholarship/creative endeavors through national peer-review publications, grants, performances, shows, etc. The University Scholar is chosen by the University Scholar Selection Committee consisting of former recipients of the Scholar award.

Art & Design alum featured at The Rourke Art Gallery

Gregory Montreuil (Art & Design, 1982) is featured in a solo exhibition at The Rourke Art Gallery now through June 23.  The exhibition features more than 40 black-and-white abstractions executed in oil. Montreuil, known for his published criticism and arts journalism, has developed a following in New York City among writers as well as artists.