Flo’s Diner: A Murder Mystery Event

Join the Dragon Entertainment Group for an interactive Murder Mystery Game on Tuesday April 9th from 6 pm to 10 pm in CMU 105. All players must RSVP on Dragon Central to participate. Each character, played by participants, has several goals they must try to accomplish. While you may want to solve the murder, there are plenty of other plots […]

Fraternity & Sorority Networking event

Are you a member of a fraternity or sorority? Were you a member of a sorority or fraternity in college? (all schools and chapters welcome) You are welcome & encouraged to attend the Networking with Greek life event. Stop by, have some snacks and coffee and visit with current and alumni members of the Greek life community. RSVP by March […]

Submit Weekly Room Requests Now

It is the time of year when we start looking toward spring semester! If your student organization had not booked space for the full year already, please consider submitting your spring semester space request now. We prefer that all requests be submitted using EMS WebApp (https://minnstate.bookitadmin.minnstate.edu) or our general Event Request web form:  https://www.tinyurl.com/msumspace/. All requests are considered tentative until they are confirmed by the Student […]