Comstock Reading Aloud Initiative donates books

This summer, the Comstock Reading Aloud Initiative, sponsored by Livingston Lord Library, donated nearly 450 picture books to school libraries and agencies. This year’s recipients included, DC Prep, Washington, DC; Hawley Elementary School; MSUM Early Childhood Center; White Earth Early Childhood Program; Lincoln Elementary School, Fargo; Northern Cass Elementary, Hunter, ND; and Richland Elementary, Abercrombie, ND. These locations were selected […]

Children’s Book Award Committee members needed

The Livingston Lord Library is looking for MSUM students who are interested in serving on our 2013-14 Read Aloud Book Award Committee. Committee work includes evaluating new picture books, attending three committee meetings and ultimately selecting the best read aloud picture books of 2013. To receive an application form for committee membership, or for further information, contact Korella Selzler at […]

The 3rd and 4th floors of Library open tomorrow

Good news! Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 4, the 3rd and 4th floors of the Library will be opened for patrons. Three study rooms will be complete on the 3rd floor, LI 305-307.  All other study rooms and offices on the 3rd and 4th floor are not complete and will not be accessible– awaiting fire alarm system adjustments. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 4, you […]

Schedule a Library Instruction Session

Faculty, as you work on your fall schedule, think about where you want to fit in a library session for your classes to help your students with their research projects. To schedule a library instruction session, e-mail, call 477.5919, or visit the instruction website.

Syllabi Drop-In Day

New and returning faculty are invited to come by the Faculty Development Center on Wednesday, August 21 anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to work on their syllabi, or to add their name to Speaker Bank list (and check to see if there is a speaker who would work in their course). Snacks, coffee, and tea will be available, […]