#MMIWG Red Dress Campaign

This year, MSUM’s annual Take Back the Night event on Sept. 20 centers the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIWG). To raise awareness of cases like Savanna Lafontaine-Greywind’s, we’re asking members of our MSUM community to display a red paperdress in the days leading up to the Sept. 20 event. Drop by Dragon Fest on Tuesday, […]

Causality in the 21st Century

Wednesday, April 25 | 4:30 p.m. | MA 167 Dr. Joe Bessie will be presenting his colloquium “Causality in the 21st Century” on Wednesday, April 25 at 4:30 p.m. in MacLean Hall 167. All are welcome to attend! Please see flyer for more information.

Art & Sewing as Activism: Behind ‘Behind the Seams’

Tuesday, March 27 | 3-4:30 p.m. | CMU 205 Meet the Minneapolis-based artists of “Behind the Seams.” Rachel Breen and Nickey Robare will speak about the genesis of their pop-up garment factory and the overlap between art and activism, sewing and community engagement. Rachel Breen investigates social justice issues through drawing, installation, performance and public art projects. Experimentation with mediums and […]