Dr. Coquyt publishes book, ‘Experiencing Teacher Leadership: Perceptions and Insights From First-Year Teacher Leaders’

Dr. Mike Coquyt, Educational Leadership Graduate Program, L&L, authored a book Experiencing Teacher Leadership: Perceptions and Insights From First-Year Teacher Leaders. This is the third book published by Dr. Coquyt dealing with the topic of Teacher Leadership. His first book, The Leader Within: Understanding and Empowering Teacher Leaders was published in 2016.  His second book, Growing Leaders Within: A Process toward Teacher Leadership, was published […]

Dr. Harmon completes Quality Matters Rubric workshop

Earlier this summer Dr. Renee Harmon, assistant professor in the Department of Leadership and Learning completed the Quality Matters Applying the Quality Matters Rubric workshop which began on May 21 and ended on June 4.  Dr. Harmon has taught online college courses since 2011, however she had never taken a QM course before. She says about the experience, “It was […]

Dr. Harmon published in Earth System Governance

Dr. Renee Harmon, assistant professor in Educational Leadership is a contributing author in the recent publication “New directions in earth system governance research,” published in Earth System Governance. The Earth System Governance project is a global research alliance that explores novel, effective governance mechanisms to cope with the current transitions in the biogeochemical systems of the planet. A decade after […]

Drs. Peterson, Sadikovic, Harmon attend NASPA Student Success Conference

Recently Drs. Aaron Peterson, Belma Sadikovic, and Renée Harmon from the Educational Leadership Graduate Studies program traveled to Orlando, Florida to attend the NASPA 2019 Student Success Conference, which was really four conferences in one. The themes addressed at the conference were Assessment, Persistence, and Data Analytics, Closing the Achievement Gap, First-generation Success, and Student Financial Wellness. There were over […]