June 20-July 1 Campus Steam Distribution System Maintenance

June 20 through July 1 there will be maintenance of the campus steam distribution system.  The steam will be off to campus buildings causing a disruption to the temperatures in them.  The temperatures will be lower than normal, so it is advised that individuals dress appropriately and have a sweater or another layer to put on if they are chilled.

Campus Steam Distribution System Maintenance June 20-July 1

Maintenance of the campus steam distribution system is planned for June 20 through July 1.  The steam will be off to all campus buildings during this time.  This will cause a disruption to the temperatures in the buildings as they will be colder than normal.  It is advised that individuals dress appropriately and have a sweater or another layer to […]

Parking Rates for 2022-2023

The MSUM Facilities, Grounds & Safety Committee (FGSC) is charged with reviewing the University’s parking regulations and rates annually. During the process, the committee made parking rate recommendations for the 2022-2023 academic year, which Student Senate also supported. As a result, Cabinet has approved the following rate changes for the 2022-2023 academic year. Parking permit rates will increase by approximately […]