Book features chapter by Bolduc

A recent book, “Institutional Analysis and Praxis: The Social Fabric Matrix Approach,” includes a chapter by Steven Bolduc, Economics. Bolduc’s contribution, “Ceremonial Dimensions of Market-based Pollution Control Instruments: The Clean Air Act and the Cap-and-Trade Model,” argues that inquiry guiding policy design and assessment should be guided by the recognition of social, ecological, and technological interdependence, and not only by narrowly conceived economic criteria. The volume was released in September 2009 by Springer Science+Business Media.

Fall Classes Added

An additional section of Chemistry 304, online, is open for Fall, 2009. This class is Writing Intensive and Dragon Core Area 10.

An additional section of Econ 204 Principles of Macroeconomics (002792) has been opened. The course will be taught T Th from 1:30-2:45 pm.

Local Students Place in Regional Economics Competition

Students from regional high school teams participated in the 2009 Economics Challenge sponsored by MSUM’s Center For Economic Education. The students competed for trophies and an opportunity to advance to regional and national competitions. The following schools placed in the events: North Dakota State Competition Team Awards Jamestown High School (Team #2), coached by Marchel Krieger 1st Place North Dakota […]